Monday, February 25, 2008

Ice Cream Idea

I had an idea about ice cream. Since we decided to sell the Great Scoops stores, should we form a stratgic partnership with the buyer to sell them coffee and buy ice cream for our Ohio coffee shops from them?


Bennett said...

Greg that is a goo Idea. This could be something that sets us apart from other previous groups, of ot has not be used before.

Audrey said...

I like the idea. but i like the idea of using a local company better like a greaters or more closely to us would be something like UDF.

Greg Faler said...

Yes Audrey, Local is the way to go for ice cream. However, I still want to sell coffee to the new Pitt owner.

Audrey said...

We will need to meet tomorrow Thursday to complete the integrated plan, assisting HR with their plan (if possible), and finalizing the paper. I believe that Bennett has class and will not be able to make it. Kristen, Kim, Greg and Myself have all agreed that we can meet at 6PM.

Matt- I still need to hear from you.

Tina – I still need to hear from you.

I would like this to be a productive meeting time. Please come prepared with quantifiable data (numbers) that we can put into the integrated plan. Bob stated that he wants to see how we generate/save money in all disciplines using numbers and not just a narrative.

Call me if you need to 614-397-3491